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How to Decide Whether to Do Home Renovation or Knockdown and Rebuild

26 May 2021

If you have recently bought an older home that needs repairs, or if your current home needs remodelling, you are most likely planning to contact a home renovator or rebuilder. You realise that the necessary alterations may require extensive changes to your home. However, it may be difficult for you to determine whether to make plans to do home renovations or a complete knockdown and rebuild.

Deciding Your Need for Home Renovations or Knockdown and Rebuilding Services

You can determine whether your home requires renovations or knockdown and rebuilding services by examining such issues as the following:

  1. Soundness of Home Structure. If the general structure of your house is inspected for safety and soundness and proves to be strong and secure, home renovations should be sufficient. You can work with your renovations team to create plans for renovating certain rooms or areas of your house as needed. If, however, your house has serious and extensive structural weaknesses, you may need to opt for a complete knockdown and rebuild.
  2. Water Damage. If the walls, roof and flooring of your house have been significantly damaged by water leaks from broken pipes or cracks in the structure, you may be advised by your building team to tear down and rebuild your home. It may be more cost-efficient to start from scratch and construct a brand new residence than to pay for extensive repairs on your current house.
  3. Weakened Foundation. If your home’s foundation is showing signs of weakness and deterioration, this may be an indication of serious damage that requires knockdown and rebuilding services. Yet if this damage is confined to one area of a single wall of the foundation, renovating may be all that is needed to ensure that your house is stabilised and safe for living.

It is normal for home foundations to settle over time. This settling usually causes only minor damage, which can be repaired. However, you need the expert opinion of your renovating and building team to determine the seriousness of this issue.

  1. Need for Home Expansion. If your family is growing, or if you need more room for your office or creative studio workspace in your home, you must determine the amount of remodelling or rebuilding needed. After consulting your experienced renovating and building team, you will know whether this necessary home expansion calls for renovations or a total knockdown and rebuild.

It may be possible to resolve your issue with needing more living space by adding an extension or another floor to your home. However, your expert builders and renovators can best advise you about the type and extent of work needed.

By consulting our excellent home building and renovations team at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, you can obtain expert advice concerning the extent of repairs, remodelling or rebuilding needed for your home.

Our experienced professionals will guide you in selecting either renovating services or a complete knockdown and rebuild of your home to satisfy all aspects of your home expansion or refurbishing preferences and needs.


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