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Design Ideas for Flexible Homes that Adapt to the Changing World

25 January 2022

During the past year, many adults worked virtually from home while children and teens attended online classroom sessions. Many families embraced new flexible home designs while others created their own versions of these versatile living spaces as needed.

Conflicts and disagreements among family members often occurred over the use of space. Yet families learned to cope with living rooms, dens and dining rooms doubling as classrooms and study areas or home offices. They grew accustomed to finding laptops and finger-paints in the kitchen or spreadsheets and work tablets on the dining room table.

Half-eaten sandwiches and snack foods were frequently found on window sills and staircases. Soon, parents and kids alike had a clearer idea of just how essential it can be to create designated work, study, eating and play areas in the home. By establishing definite time frames for using the office for doing office work or homework, families learned to separate tasks, purposes and activities.

Flexible Home Design Ideas for Adapting to the Changing World

Introducing flexible home design ideas and practices for adapting to today’s changing world included creating such areas as the following:

• Designated Work and Schooling Spaces.
By allocating designated spaces in the home as work or schooling areas, families were able to establish and maintain organized homes with good functionality.

When it was decided that children and teens would attend online classes in the dining room, the laptops, school books and study aids were stored in the room’s credenza and wall cabinets. After parents set up their office space in the den, work computers, spreadsheets, ledgers and business note pads were kept on the room’s wall-mounted cupboard shelves.

• Multitask Areas. In smaller-size homes, multipurpose spaces became necessary to accommodate the varied needs of all family members. An open-plan home design, in living lofts and in studio apartments, room dividers enabled one space to be transformed into two or more separate work, study or play areas. Bedrooms were divided into sleeping and work or study space.

Some homeowners installed sliding doors to create quiet spaces for accomplishing complex tasks or detailed homework. By installing sliding glass or screen doors leading from your family room onto the outdoor deck, you could include outdoor living spaces in your plan for separating home areas. By doing this, you also brought healthy outdoor air and sunlight into your indoor home life.

• Flexible Spaces. When many people design or remodel a home today, their focus is on creating rooms that can grow along with the family. Children’s rooms are planned to be flexible, with spatial use that allows for different furnishings when the children become older, and later on, when they reach their teenage years.

Parents may select neutral or soft wall colours that can be brightened or subdued with accents and accessories to suit the children’s desires at different ages. In the family room, whimsical or playful motifs that please small children can be changed to accommodate more artistic, chic or practical tastes as the kids grow older.

When you contact our experts at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, you will receive excellent information and design ideas for flexible homes. Our experienced professionals are well-prepared to discuss, plan and build an adaptable home to align with the changing world around you. They will ensure that your new flexible home layout is exactly what you desire and need for your family’s ever-changing work, studies, activities and lifestyle.

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