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Important Steps to Follow When Planning for a Home Extension Project

24 February 2022

When planning a home extension project, you should be aware of the important steps to follow. Depending on what area of your home will be the location for this added space or room, you may need to address different structural or layout issues.

Adding an extension to your home can be a very worthwhile project. It can also increase the value of your home significantly. Most of all, it can enhance the home living experience for all of the members of your household.

Major Steps to Follow Before Beginning a Home Extension Project

1. Choose the Extension Location Carefully. If you are planning to add a home office as your home extension project, choose the location carefully. You want it to be accessible to other rooms of your home that you use frequently like the kitchen and a bathroom. At the same time, you need your office area to be quiet so that you can easily concentrate on your business projects.

2. Schedule a Home Inspection. You should always schedule a home inspection before finalising plans to build a home extension. You need to ensure that the foundation and structure of your house are stable and strong. This will make it safe to add additional space to your home’s interior. If your home includes a basement, you want to be sure that the new construction above will be expertly performed to avoid water leaks or too much weight on the foundation.

3. Make All Structural Reinforcements. Especially if your home extension is planned for an upper floor, you must ensure that the flooring has strong enough supports to bear the weight. Your contractor and home inspector can determine whether more beams and connecting supports are needed to bear the extra weight from above. These reinforcements are often relatively easy to install, and your contractor can give you a price estimate for adding them.

4. Consider the Cost of New Piping and Wiring. If you are planning to add another bedroom on the second floor of your home, it will most likely be near other bedrooms and a bathroom. However, if you are adding a bedroom on your third floor or to your attic area, you may need to install another bath. In this instance, new and often costly water pipes and drainage pipes may be needed. In addition, you will probably need to install additional electrical wiring for this new extension.

When you consult our experts at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, in the South Sydney area, you will receive excellent advice and plans for building a new extension for your home. Our experienced professionals have expertise in all aspects of home building, and they will work closely with you on your ideas for this home addition.

Our team will explain all aspects of your planned spatial extension before the start of any construction. They will address any questions and concerns that you may have. Our pros will ensure that your completed home extension will completely satisfy and even surpass all of your desires, expectations and needs.


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