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Second Floor Addition or Home Extension: Consult a Topnotch Residential Building Contractor for Expert Advice

06 November 2019

You are sitting by your couch just to relax. Suddenly, your eyes are wandering around your home thinking about expanding and adding spaces for the future. You then quickly browsed home improvement ideas and found out that there are a lot of options for you to do with your house.

Undoubtedly, the addition of a room or a floor to your home can boost the aesthetic appeal and market value of your property. It can even maximize the spaces you already have in your home. You may think of adding an attractive guest lounge for your visitors, or an entertainment room for you and your family.

Apart from the mentioned above, one of the unique benefits of second floor additions is that it helps you save your outdoor space. You don’t have to use your space outside just to have more areas to chill in. Depending on the location of your house, this addition can also provide you a scenic view of your surroundings.

While there may be a lot of options for your second floor addition or home extension, you must remember that this space must be built according to what you need right now. To help you out, here are some second floor addition and home extension tips and ideas that can help you add value to your home.

Rethink Your Existing Space

The look and feel of your soon-to-be added space will certainly outshine your existing space. So, consider rethinking the design, layout, and elements of your existing space. There may be parts of your house that must be modified or removed to cater to the new design language of your floor addition and space extension.

In addition, if you are thinking of adding another floor, you must check the local building code first to avoid any violations and fines. Moreover, you must find out if your existing house can withstand additional structure. You may call on the engineers of your home to verify such information.

Add Your Modern Kitchen

If you have enough money for your home extension, you may want to add your modern kitchen first. You can start by getting new worktop surfaces, classy tiles, or eccentric doors and handles to make the kitchen feel cosy. A good combination of paint colours can also make a huge difference to the vibe of the kitchen. Then, upgrade some of your utensils and appliances for a fresher feel.

Extend Upwards

Most of the time, high ceiling spaces are left untouched and aren’t maximised to great use. You may want to convert this space as your new second floor to build a living space for you and your kids. You can even use this space for your home office, dining area, or entertainment area. Bedrooms can also be constructed on the second floor, while converting the rooms on the first floor into something that can be connected to other areas such as living room and dining area.

Add Your Glass Conservatory

Without a doubt, the best light that you can use for your home is the natural light. It can give us a different type of lighting conditions depending on the weather conditions of our surroundings. Building a glass conservatory on your second floor addition can help you enjoy the outdoor view from the inside.

Go Green

One small but helpful detail that you can consider with your home extension and second floor addition is to go for a more energy-efficient home. Through solar panels that are attached to your new second floor roof, you can save a lot of money with your electricity and help the planet from consuming non-renewable energy. You can also opt for LED lighting to save more energy and eco-friendly paint with your walls.

Aside from the mentioned ideas, Olympia Homes can brief you with more home extension and second floor addition options and plans. Your top-notch residential building contractor can help you design your home according to your needs and preferences. Contact us to know how we can make your home extension idea into a reality.

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