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Attached or Detached Granny Flats: Know What’s Best for Your Home Improvement

20 May 2019

If you are considering adding a granny flat to your home today, you may be finding it difficult to decide between the addition of an attached or detached flat for Granny. Both are convenient and can be designed to align with and complement the style and layout of your home. Your home designing, building and renovating experts can advise you concerning the ideal styles and building materials for excellent completion of your desired home extension. However, the ultimate choice between adding an attached or detached flat will be yours after listening to the experienced advice of your home builders and remodelling team. 

Determining the Best Style of Granny Flat for an Extension to Your Home and Active Household

Before deciding whether to add an attached or detached granny flat to your home and its busy household, it is best to consider such related aspects as the following:

• Granny’s Lifestyle. – If your mother or the mother of your spouse or partner is the “granny” that you are planning to construct living space for, consider her current lifestyle, daily needs and activities. If she is still an active person who drives her own car, goes shopping, attends community events and entertains friends, both you and Granny may prefer that her flat is detached from your house, with its own private entrance, driveway and parking area. This will provide a quieter, more independent lifestyle for Granny and will avoid any disruptions of the daily lifestyle and routine of your household and its members. 

• Your Household Schedules and Needs. –
If there are young children in your family who need to go to bed early, and Granny is a night-owl who likes watching late night TV programs, a separate living space for Granny will most likely be best. If Granny retires early each night and your household includes active teenagers who rarely sleep through the night, a detached flat will also be the better choice. However, if Granny is quite elderly and needs frequent assistance with daily life tasks and activities, an attached flat will probably be the best arrangement for both households.  

• Building Costs Comparison. – Another important consideration is the building costs for completing both types of living additions. Your home building and renovating team can provide you with a detailed cost estimate for adding an attached or detached granny flat to your home. This will help you decide on the ideal solution for the construction of a fashionable and functional living space for Granny as part of your current living environment. 

By contacting the home designing, building and renovating experts at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, you can gain excellent insight and advice to help you decide whether to add an attached or detached flat for Granny to your current residence. Our highly experienced team will ensure that you choose the ideal solution for the addition of an attractive, comfortable, and convenient living space for Granny that will be totally compatible with your current lifestyle and home environment.

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