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Building Your New Home: What are the Most Important Things to Know Before You Start?

28 March 2022

Planning to build a new home is an exciting and challenging step in your life. It can also be highly rewarding if you take time to learn about important aspects of your building project before work begins. This project cannot be a passive process for you as the property owner in any way. Your desires and input are of major importance to every phase of your new home design and construction.

Essential Home Building Aspects to Know Before the Start of Construction

Essential facts and information that you need to know before the construction of your new home begins, include the following:

1. Understand the Essential Costs. Before the start of any work on your new home’s construction, research and understand the essential building costs. The majority of house-building plans include a cost-to-build tool for your use. These figures include building costs, down payment amounts, a slush fund, tax benefits and other valuable financial information.

Remember that obtaining financing for home construction is somewhat different from applying for a mortgage. Initially, you will need a line of credit for your home’s construction. Once your new house is built, you will need approval for a residential mortgage with which you can repay your line of credit for construction costs.

2. Determine the Reputation and Track Record of Your Desired Contractor.
Take time to research the reputations and track records of local builders in your area. If you already have a specific contractor in mind, make sure that they have an excellent record for quality work.

Also, ensure that the contractor who you engage for building your new home offers good communication with clients throughout the home building process. You can research contractors’ records online as well as ask friends and family members for recommendations.

3. Design Your Home for Enjoyment and Resale Value.
When working with your design and building team toward the construction of your new home, consider both a home design that will greatly benefit your family lifestyle and a design that has attractive resale value. Although you are building a home to live in and enjoy, it is wise to also build a house with features that most home buyers desire.

4. Favour Green Home-Building Features. By including some eco-friendly aspects and features in your new home building project, you can save on construction costs while creating an energy-efficient home.

Your designer and contractor can help you with the placement of as many southern-facing windows as possible for enhanced lighting and heating effects. Install water-saving faucets and appliances, and consider using solar energy for your new residence.

When you contact our experts at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, you will receive excellent comprehensive advice, designs and building services for creating your new home. Our experienced team will guide you in selecting the ideal design, building materials and timeline for the successful completion of your highly fashionable and functional new home. They will work closely with you to ensure that your stunning new home completely satisfies and even surpasses your desires, expectations and needs.


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