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Innovative Extension Ideas for Your Lovely Home

10 May 2021

Home properties are intended to be the main place for families and their visitors to feel cosy and relaxed. Therefore, these properties normally have features that are both functional and appealing. From their kitchen space down to their living room, everything is planned accordingly.

But if you want to enhance the features of your home, then you can opt for a restart. Renovation works have been always the go-to solution when it comes to boosting the overall appearance and function of a property. However, if your property still has some unused space, then you may want to go for an extension project as it can add more functional areas that can enhance your home’s value.

To effectively improve the overall appearance, function, and value of your lovely home, here are some innovative extension ideas that you may want to consider.

Additional Kitchen

While your home already has a dedicated kitchen, adding one more kitchen is still possible since it will not only boost your property’s value but can also add one truly functional area. Additional kitchens are often situated outdoors to ensure that family members and other people will have a better view of the surroundings. They likewise utilise the outdoor environment by maximising its natural air, light, and ventilation. As long as it has ample protection against elements, your kitchen can certainly be the place for your family to spend their time fruitfully and cook whatever you want to serve.

Stylistic Bathroom

Another extension idea that you may want to integrate into your property is a stylistic bathroom. The value of your property can increase by as much as 5% if you will be adding one more bathroom. And if this specific bathroom has all the stylistic and classy features that are popular today, then it can effectively make the whole property look cool. Your bathroom can feature windows that can let the natural light in, which can then decrease your overall energy consumption. It can likewise feature taps and showers that can easily produce hot water whenever you need it.

Multipurpose Loft

One more innovative extension idea that you can incorporate into your home property is the addition of a multipurpose loft. A spacious loft can be utilised as your temporary home office. It can likewise be used as a small kitchen and compact dining area. It can even integrate a play area, which is certainly ideal if you have kids. Your multipurpose loft can also be used as your entertainment area, home theatre, mini library, and so much more. The wide variety of spaces that can be integrated into your loft allows it to be both functional and valuable for your property, especially if you will be selling your home in the future.

There are more extension ideas that you can think about for your lovely Sydney home. Some possible additions to your home include a storage area, a conservatory, an extra bedroom, and an outdoor seating area. If you need help with your extension project, feel free to reach us at Olympia Homes.


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