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Reasons that Make a Granny Flat a Good Home Extension Investment

26 July 2021

Adding a granny flat extension to your home can be a wise and lucrative investment. Building an extension of any kind normally increases the market value of your home property. It also makes your home more attractive to buyers if you decide to sell your house.

A granny flat can be custom-designed to suit your specific preferences, desires and needs as a homeowner. Perhaps you have a senior member in your household, or maybe Granny is coming for a summer visit to spend time with her grandchildren. Maybe Grandma and Granddad are both coming for a seasonal visit, and you want them to consider making these visits a habit.

More Reasons Why Constructing a Granny Flat Is a Good Home Extension Investment

Additional reasons why adding a granny flat to your house is a good investment as a home extension include the following:

  • Increases Your Property’s Market Value. A granny flat can increase the market value of your home property significantly more than some other types of home extensions. This is because they are designed as attached yet separate living units. A potential home buyer looking at your house will often view this extension as a separate living space.
  • May Be Used as a Rental Apartment. A well-designed and attractive granny flat may be rented to a college student or a young couple as an apartment unit. This can be quite attractive to a property appraiser or a potential home buyer.

The opportunity of renting a unit that comes with your home for extra revenue will be quite popular to many home seekers today. In addition, this attractive living unit will be in turn-key condition and ready for rent if you should decide to sell your home and relocate.

  • Offers Apartment Rental Option for Recent College Grad. If you have a son or daughter who is a recent college graduate and needs a home of their own, your granny flat is a perfect option. Your college grad can enjoy a separate lifestyle without officially leaving home. When starting

out in the working world today, it can be a great benefit not to have apartment rent to pay while beginning a new career.

  • Provides the Ideal Guest Suite. Your granny flat can also serve as the perfect guest suite whenever relatives or friends come to visit. You can keep it guest-ready just in case you have surprise visits by close friends or family members. Your favourite guests can enjoy longer visits without feeling that they are imposing on your home life. You can also enjoy their stay better, knowing that their accommodations are state-of-the-art.

When you consult our experts at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, you will receive excellent advice, designs and full building and installation services for your granny flat home extension.

Our professional designers and builders will work closely with you to create a stunning customised extension that will retain its fashion and flair for many years to come. Our highly experienced team will ensure that this attractive and practical addition to your home is a lucrative and personally rewarding investment.

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