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Sydney Home Design Ideas that are Senior Citizen Friendly

04 June 2019

If you are planning to build a new home in Sydney and there are senior members of your household, you will want to accommodate their needs in your final design plans. This will help keep your parents, grandparents or an older aunt or uncle comfortable and at ease while moving around your home and enjoying their daily activities. Senior citizens need and deserve consideration, especially if they have health issues that may affect their mobility. It is very helpful to discover that many architects and home builders today are experienced in designing and constructing homes that are senior citizen-friendly. 

Home Design Ideas that Accommodate the Needs of Senior Citizens in Sydney

Home planning and design ideas that will address important issues of the senior members of your family and accommodate their needs include the following:   

• Single-Storey Construction. – Constructing a home with single-storey design will help accommodate the needs of the senior member or members of your household. When all the rooms of your house are on one floor, your entire home is much more accessible to older people, especially if they use canes or walkers for getting around. Climbing stairs can be difficult and stressful, even for seniors who are in relatively good health. With your entire household living and interacting on one floor, the seniors in your home will feel more connected and included in your family activities and lifestyle. 

• Granny Suites. – Living suites for Granny and/or Grandpa can be ideal for the senior citizens in your family. While these suites or apartments are connected to your home, they provide separate living units for these older family members. A granny suite enables them to set their own sleeping and meal hours, and helps them continue many of their former lifestyle habits and activities while living in a safer situation, close to the rest of the family. They are just next door and available to join family meals and events whenever they like while enjoying their private living quarters as well. 

• Handrails. – When you include handrails along hallways and around the walls of the larger rooms in your home and in the granny suite, you will make life easier and safer for your senior family members. Even if they walk without assistance and have relatively good balance, older people feel more secure when handrails are available, just in case they need support to help prevent a fall. Placing stylish balustrade around your outdoor decks or terrace areas will also encourage your senior household members to spend more time outside in the healthy fresh air. 

By engaging the top-quality home designers and builders at Olympia Homes located in Alexandria, NSW, you will receive expert home construction advice, designs and workmanship. Our experienced professionals will help you include all of the room designs, features and amenities that you, your partner and your children desire as well as an attractive and practical granny suite for the use and enjoyment of the senior members of your family.

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